Gottardo Gussoni
( Torino 1869- Villastellone 1951 )
An unbelievable eclectic author,
collaborator of the major studios of architects working in
Turin at the beginning of the century, he realized also
numerous projects. Among the most ambitious ones, we find the
plants for the thalassotherapy at Alassio. He is known for his
very recognizable taste for “ heavy” architectonic decoration, a
decoration that seems winding upon itself.
Works :
villino Raby - corso
Francia, 8 Torino
Baroque small villa, built with the “ gracefully”
Pietro Fenoglio
1918-20: Palazzo della Vittoria - corso
Francia, 23 Torino
late and very personal interpretation of the neo Gothic
tradition from Turin. Excessive!
1914: via Duchessa Jolanda 17
Built with Vivarelli
Impressing, it shares with the following house, the
delicious stables in the yard.
Villa Zanelli a Savona
Translation by Irene de Angelis-Curtis