Luigi Bompard was
born in Bologna in 1879. His parents were Jules Bompard,
a Briançon's dealer, and Cesira Oppi, a photographer.
Self-educated, he frequented the artistic milieu of his
town, by taking a studio in the 1902 at Palazzo
Bentivoglio, a place chosen by the Bologna Bohemians as
a meeting point and residence of the “Giambardi della
sega”, a congregation of artists recognized by Alfredo
Baruffi in the homonymous publication. His particular
graphic style drew him to the world of illustration, at
that time very prosperous in Bologna, with its
innumerable newspapers and magazines, for exampleIl
Natale de la Lira and Italia Ride
delineated the Felsinean graphic style at the turn of the
century, gathering consensus from persons such as Ugo Valeri,
Alfredo Baruffi, Augusto Majani, Franz Laskoff. Bompard was
also involved in Poster designing as of 1903, in Eduardo
Chappuis's print-shop near to Marcello Dudovich. His
pictorical expression came to prominence through is
participation in the exhibitions at the ‘Premio Francia' in
Bologna , in the years:
1901, 1902, 1903, 1905, 1907 and 1916.
He also exhibited at the Biennale di Venezia, in the
years 1905, 1912, 1920, 1926, and 1928, as well as in
Rome at the ‘Mostra di Rifiutati' in 1905, and at the
‘Società degli Amatori e Cultori di Belle Arti' in 1906.
He decided to move to Rome at some point between 1904
and 1906. In 1911 he sojourned in Paris where he made
friends with Boldini and Cappiello. In the second decade
of the XXth century he lived in Milan where he
collaborated with many well-known magazines among which
L'illustrazione italiana
and La Lettura;

his works were also on display at the
Permanente Exibition and “Famiglia Artistica” Society
(1916). He became a member of the “Associazione
Acquerellisti Lombardi”. During the first World War he
collaborated with the L'illustration
in Paris.
At the end of the war he decided again to
move to Rome where he continued to paint and to produce
illustrations for specialized magazine such as
Il Travaso delle idee ,
Noi e il Mondo , Vita Femminile
, Il Corriere dei piccoli ,
Marc'Aurelio , Guerin Meschino
. He also illustrated novels,
some of the covers which he designed. Luigi Bompard died
in Rome in 1953.
His first clever, sardonic drawings
for Il Natale de la Lira
and Italia Ride
(1898/1900) evidenced the beginning of a
promising career as an illustrator, a career that lasted
more than fifty years and gave him full right to be
considered as one of the major inventors of a new
artistic style in Italy.
From his beginnings in Bologna ,
under the influence of both the liberty style and
periodicals such as the prestigious English magazine
The Studio , and
the German Jugend,
Bompard gradually created his own language based upon
the precision of the sign and his peculiar ironic trait
that bordered on caricature.
For the majority of magazines of
that time, he was known as ‘the tip-of-the-pencil
report' because of his striking capacity to illustrate
major national and international events such as the
“Lipsia Exposition” in Paris or the veterans war's
stories for the La Lettura
in Milan .
But his best work, much closer to
his temperament, was humorous and - why not? - frivolous.
He would design elegant and charming women accompanied
by very fascinating gentlemen set in the foyer of a
theatre, a restaurant, salons or the racing tracks where
high society paraded its vanity. Bompard was a careful
observer of the habits and customs of people. Through
his paintings and illustrations he followed the
evolution of fashion and the transformations of the
country for fifty years.
The woman, the subject of almost
all of his works, was described through expressive
glances, nonchalant gestures and sensual poses that
showed his deep knowledge of the feminine heart. The
women's attitude dissolved in an ironical veil, offering
a certain regard of their nature for the reading public
of novels and magazines of that epoch.